FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Do I need to pay for the manuals that are on the site?
No, you can download all the available materials absolutely for free. You just need to go to the page you are interested in and click on the «Download» button.
How to open downloaded file?
It all depends on what format the file has and on which device you want to open it.
Personal computer (PC):
1. pdf, djvu, tiff - STDU Viewer;
2. zip - 7-Zip;
3. rar - WinRAR;
4. doc, docx, rtf - Microsoft Word or LibreOffice.
Smartphone or tablet with Android:
1. pdf, djvu, tiff - EBookDroid;
2. rar, zip - RAR;
3. doc, docx, rtf - WPS Office.
Smartphone or tablet with iOS (iPhone, iPad):
1. pdf, djvu - DjVu Reader Pro;
2. rar, zip, tiff, doc, docx - File Manager & Browser.
No, you can download all the available materials absolutely for free. You just need to go to the page you are interested in and click on the «Download» button.
How to open downloaded file?
It all depends on what format the file has and on which device you want to open it.
Personal computer (PC):
1. pdf, djvu, tiff - STDU Viewer;
2. zip - 7-Zip;
3. rar - WinRAR;
4. doc, docx, rtf - Microsoft Word or LibreOffice.
Smartphone or tablet with Android:
1. pdf, djvu, tiff - EBookDroid;
2. rar, zip - RAR;
3. doc, docx, rtf - WPS Office.
Smartphone or tablet with iOS (iPhone, iPad):
1. pdf, djvu - DjVu Reader Pro;
2. rar, zip, tiff, doc, docx - File Manager & Browser.